It has been a dream of mine to make ANYTHING from Snow White and the Huntsman, and when The Huntsman: Winter's War was released, my friend Rachel of Yasemin Art asked me: "So, when are you going to make Ravenna?" I absolutely jumped for joy when she followed up with "I am making Freya, the Ice Queen".. I mean, seriously, dreams do come true!!!

Also, you MUST check out Yasemin Art on facebook. Her Freya (The Ice Queen) is bananas!

Photo by Lucid Visual Photography
Photo by Lucid Visual Photography
Photo by Lucid Visual Photography
Photo by Lucid Visual Photography

Costume Stats:

Time to complete: Approximately 1 month

Crown: Paper, 3D Printed filigree, hot glue, gold leaf paint
Finger Jewelry: Black Worbla, paint, misc chains
Cape: Crepe fabric (for the base of the cape), two types of shiny gold lame fabric, hot glue, acrylic paint, super thick heat bond, metal wire, snaps
Dress: Satin gold fabric, black cording, Thibra, Bobby Pins, Liquid Leaf paint from Plaid
Wig: Ororo Classic in Ash Blonde from Arda Wigs

Queen Ravenna from The Huntsman: Winter's War

Costume parts include:

  • Crown
  • Finger Jewelry
  • Cape
  • Dress
  • Wig


I wanted the crown to be very light so I decided to make it using thick stock paper. I did a couple of renditions with photo paper, and then wound up just using black craft paper instead. The craft paper creases much more easily and didn't tear as I was attempting to become an origami master!


Is that what they are called? I'm going to call them finger spikes. They turned out well and I would wear them all the time if I could! I used the rest of the bits of my black worbla (save your worbla scraps!!) I then airbrushed these beauties with black acrylic and then sealed them with modge podge for extra shine and durability.

THE CAPE: feathers!!

This cape is probably the most beautiful thing I have ever made. It is also the hardest thing I've ever made simply because of the redundancy. I MADE OVER 2500 FABRIC FEATHERS.. and I thought I was going to die a few times, but I survived, and it is absolutely queen-esque and freaking glorious.

I made a tutorial video about how I made these feathers for your viewing pleasure!

1. Cut out feather from fabric
2. Place feathers face down on glass
3. Apply a thin line of hot glue down the middle of the feather
4. While still hot, turn the feather over and press/pinch the glue into the fabric.
5. Optional: While still stuck to the glass, paint the tips a darker color for texture and definition.
6. Use a utility knife blade to help remove the feather from the glass.
7. Repeat 2499 more times.

MAKING THE CAPE : fabric base

I knew that gluing thousands of feathers to a cape would become quite heavy after a while, so I found a very lightweight crepe fabric that worked extremely well. I used a Simplicity pattern for the base and then altered the shape around the shoulders so it would drape over the front of the shoulders like it does in the film.

MAKING THE CAPE : fabric base + feathers

I needed to figure out approximately how many feathers would be required to completely cover this cape, with extra for the collar, so I began gluing each feather individually to the cape, starting at the bottom and making my way up.

MAKING THE CAPE : the collar

I was really excited to make the collar because I found some awesome thick heat bond interfacing at JoAnns and I knew it was going to be perfect. I was also very excited to stop making feathers for a little while so I could focus on something else!

MAKING THE CAPE : back to feathers

I spent the better part of two and a half weeks making and attaching feathers to that cape……


I was so behind on the cape that I had little time to make that dress, and that meant I couldn't make it screen accurate. Oh well. I'm good with it.. for now 🙂

THE FINISHED COSTUME: mirror, mirror, on the wall!